The first meeting should focus on an introduction of times, format, guidelines and general information. Since many will receive the book at the first meeting, discuss the page, what is a Self-destructive behavior as well as the first chapter. Your first week will be held as one large group. After that time the facilitator will rotate being a part of a group once a week.
Group Times:
Fellowship (10 mins)
Small Group (40 mins)
Large Group (40 mins) Led by the facilitator
Once your group is established and you feel comfortable with one another, invite your pastor to observe a night with the approval of the group. He or She needs to know what is being taught. Division is not the intent of this book but unity.
There will be some, who out of love, will try and bring their own Bible studies to the group. Stay focused on what is being presented in the pages of the book. There simply isn’t enough time to cover the material if you incorporate other lessons.
Out of blindness or the need to help others, there will be people who will try and counsel.
Some will try and dominate the discussions, at which point a timer could be used within the group.
Allow the freedom for people to take their own journey and don’t allow others to make their interpretations the only way to understand God.
If you have a mixed group, I STRONGLY advise against members dating.
PRAY before the start of each class that it is God who will guide the group towards understanding.
If 19 weeks (4 1/2 months)
If 16 weeks (4 months) You will need to combine (3) lessons
If 12 weeks (3 months) you will need to combine (7) lessons.
ANYTHING LESS THAN (3 MONTHS) WILL NOT GIVE YOU ENOUGH TIME TO COVER THE MATERIAL. If you are going to cover the material in (3) months, please consider having at least (1) Saturdays devoted to materials that may require a deeper study. The times for Saturday is optional and if possible meet in one of the homes for fellowship and study on that day.
IMPORTANT: An individual may start at anytime, with the exception of the 18th and 19th chapter. Each lesson can easily stand alone. In my experience leading the group, I found that individuals repeating the class found additional insight into the material and questions presented.
Suggested Combinations for Chapters:
16 Weeks (Combine Chapters 2/3, 4/5, 6/7,)
12 Weeks (Combine Chapters 2/3, 4/5, 6/7, 9/10, 11/12, 13/14, 16/17)